COVID – 19 Update

As we all adjust to our “new normal” we want to make you aware of a few changes you will experience when visiting our office. 

  • Our office will communicate with you before your appointment to ask you some screening questions. You will be asked the same questions again when you arrive to our office. 
  • We ask that you wear a mask to your appointment as you do have to check-in with the front desk.
  • Your temperature will be taken upon arrival to our office. Anyone with a temperature of 99.4 or greater will be asked to reschedule their appointment. 
  • We have made hand sanitizer available at the front desk. We ask that you use it upon arrival. 
  • You will notice our waiting room will no longer offer magazines as they are difficult to disinfect.
  • We are trying to limit our waiting room to one person. If you feel more comfortable waiting in your car and calling our office when you arrive, please do so.  
  • Appointments will be managed to allow for social distancing  between patients. This may mean you are offered fewer options for appointments

We look forward to see you again and we are happy to answer any questions you may have about the steps we are taking to keep our patients and our staff safe.